Workshop System Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM


Workshop System is an automotive solution, designed for daily operations of your workshop from anywhere at anytime. It is suitable for managing large numbers of vehicles and other workshop-related assets. It’s used to track all kinds of information related to workshop business, process all maintenance operations, ending by recording financial data.


Chameleon’s Repair Shop Solution will have a clear, organized, searchable record of all equipment-related activity which leads to an increased productive capacity and reduced unscheduled downtime.


  • Equipment Record Management
  • Inventory and Stock Control
  • Financial Control and Accuracy
  • Report Manager

System Data

This section contains all elementary data used to build workshop management system


Used to add basic information about workshop like Workshop Name, Person in charge, some description.

Also, User can add divisions for each workshop, including each division details.

Routine Maintenance

Regular maintenance is a set of preventive measures that must be performed periodically to ensure the safety of the car and the driver. 

Routine maintenance screen is used to setup maintenance plan for each equipment brand, model, or manufacturing year. the plan consists of a group of parts / service tasks.

Firstly, user should enter the name of the routine, model, mileage, and y

Staff Types

This function allows the user to enter the different types of staff in the maintenance section.


  1. Service Manager
  2. Service Supervisor
  3. Quality Controller
  4. Foreman
  5. Mechanic
  6. Electrician
  7. A/C Technician
  8. Painter
  9. Welder



There are 2 ways to add staff : 

  1. Import from HR system by choosing pre-added employee name, then the system will populate his data automatically then choose his role via Staff type field.


2. Left it blank then Type a new Staff Data, English/Arabic Name and choose his type.



This function is used to add / track all data related to equipment that will be repaired. You can add Name in English / Arabic, To whom this equipment belongs to, Model, Serial Numbers, and Year of manufacturing.


Service Reasons

This function allow the user to add many different reasons for service such as Routine Maintenance, Accident, …

Services Tasks

User can add a list of tasks included in the workshop, so in future he can assign it to his staff.

Service Status Tags

This function allows the user to enter the different service status tags used in the workshops.

Example: Waiting - Inspecting- Repairing - Completed.

Customers Rates

User can keep track of all services prices using a price list feature to support a pricing strategy tailored to every workshop.


Warranty screen is used to offer services for equipment that its maintenance operation was not performed well.

User can list all services, warranty period, also no of kilometers for each brand, model, and manufacturing year.


User can configure settings for every workshop and can't proceed or apply any operations without configuring the following settings tabs:

1. General Settings

User can specify Revenue/Expense Accounts for financial workshop operations.


2. User Privileges

    There are a number of facilities that can reconfigure saved data and can be applied for all employees or specific ones:

  • Limit users to specific workshop.
  • Allow Update Job Card After Equipment Delivered.
  • Allow Update Date Time Of Receiving Equipment
  • Allow User to Change Prices.
  • Allow discounts.


3. Service Status

User can specify Default Receive/Delivered Equipment Status.



Receive Equipment

The first operation in workshop is receiving an equipment, Here is a demonstration for this operation:

  1. Click create button, then choose Workshop if you have more than one.

  2. Choose Equipment Type ( Truck / Asset/ Equipment )

  3. Once you choose Equipment Nam, all associated data will be loaded - if found- such as Model No., Serial No., Year Manufactured, Customer Name, and it’s Mobile No./Email.

  4. Choose service reason such as Accident, Regular Maintenance


Job Card

Job card is a watcher for any update happened for each equipment till delivering it. for more clarification:

  1. In Receive Equipment Operation once you click Save button, a Job Card will be created automatically for the equipment.
  2. Every received equipment has Job Card to track it's current status.
  3. Job Card contains Equipment information, received information, delivering information.
  4. It also contain 4 tabs for more details about any operation:
  • Status : Displays current and previous status and their transaction date. Once equipment received, automatically equipment put under waiting status. User can modify status via Service Status Screen.

  • Tasks : Displays assigned tasks for each staff member and assigning date. User can modify Tasks via Service Status Screen.
  • Parts Log: Displays all records & updates for requesting parts, withdrawing, using it. User can request parts from Service Status screen, withdraw it from Withdraw Parts Screen.
  • Parts Summary: View Summary (number of requested, withdrawn or used) for parts used for the equipment


Service Status

Once you open this screen and choose your target workshop, you will find all job cards for all received equipment. Just click on target job card to specify which one will be modified then click 

This section is used to:

-Assign tasks to technicians



-Request Spare Parts.

-Change Job Card Status via drag & drop to the next column.

-Update Spare parts used quantity : will be explained later in withdrawal screen


Goods Withdrawal

In Goods Withdrawal screen, User can proceed with withdrawal operation & process spare parts request which was started in service status screen. 

1. Click create to add new withdrawal operation.

2. Select Source, which you can import job card.

3. click + button to load all job cards.

4. Check job card to perform withdrawal operation.

5. Click select button to load job card data.

6. Select Warehouse Name.

7. Select person name who will withdraw the spare parts

8. After filling all required data, click Save button


Spare Parts Use

The Last Step in withdrawal operation, is to use it through Service Status Screen:

Deliver Equipment

The last step in equipment maintenance is completing the mission and inserting delivering information

2. Click on job card record, all data will be populated. 

3. Add Mileage and fuel level

4. Click Save button

Moving to Job Card

Sales Quotations

A sales quote allows a customer to see the costs that will be involved for fixing equipment.

user can choose the equipment then service reason.

routine maintenance will show up based on if service reason is linked to routine or not.

user can add all details related to various parts/ tasks.

Returned Parts

User can return the withdrawn parts to the warehouse.


  • User should select source as job card then select job card to complete the return process.
  • User should enter warehouse name.
  • Once the job card got selected, the details part will load automatically.
  • user can add returned by name (staff name).
  • click Save button

3rd Party Rates

User can add price list for external maintenance operations to proceed with financial operations.


3rd Party Job Card

- User can maintain equipment outside workshop.

- User can proceed with 3rd party job card using an internal one or select new equipment.

- User can add entered & exited data.


Sales Invoice

User can select job card and all transactions will be loaded (parts- tasks)


3rd Party Invoice

User can select 3rd party job card then all operations associated will be loaded.

Job Card Detail

Report results:




Service Status Log

Service Status Tasks

Select Job Card

Click Preview button, report results

Spare Parts Groups Log



Spare Parts Log

S.Parts Transactions Details

Goods Withdrawal

Goods Withdrawal Costs