Yard Module Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM


User can add the basic layout for each yard. For example: yard area, number of gates, yard manager, contact details. User can add also sections for each yard, each section consists of rows, each row has blocks to know exactly where each container is and speed up loading and unloading.



Service Types

Yard purpose is not limited to store clients containers. It can offer facilities and services for client like stevedoring, loading/unloading, at individual prices to make client billing more transparent and whole.

Customer Rates

User can add defined and detailed price list. Yard price list is divided to two parts:

1. Storage Prices

In this section user can define price for each storage unit like container, ton, tank, box, etc. User can allow grace period for any reason of delay and define number of days, define it's price, also price for extra day. 

2. Service Prices

User can define price for services like loading/unloading, stevedoring.


User can add all drivers data in detail of the organization like personal data, contact details, classification, license info, port permit detail


Truck Types

User can add various types of trucks via this screen that will be used later in receiving goods 

For example: Bucket Truck, pump truck, car carrier, flatbed.





Using trucks screen, there is a detailed list of trucks data in the organization to track it for later use.

1. classification, an existing asset or not, type

2. plate, license , chassis, motor number.

3. model, manufacturing year, brand name.

5. for more details there are 5 tabs:

    - Main data: like color, purchase date, driver,...

    - Important dates: Periodic Inspection Expire Date

    - Counter Reading: User can add counter value after each ride.

    - Trucks accessories: User can attach accessories to a truck 

    - Attachments: any important documents needed to be uploaded

Trucks Accessories

User can add various accessories of trucks that will be helpful in transportation process

3PL Rates

User can add price list for all services done outside yard for all customer or a specific one.

3pl price list is divided to two parts:

1. Storage Prices

In this section user can define price for each storage unit like container, ton, tank, box, etc.

User can allow grace period for any reason of delay and define number of days, define it's price, also price for extra day.

2. Service Prices

User can define price for services like loading/unloading, stevedoring.

3PL Storage

Third party storage is a feature available for the user to store container outside the yard.

Here is a demonstration:

1. At first user should choose the supplier name, then should define source of the goods or leave it none, example: CC, Waybill or trans job and most data will be loaded automatically like customer, customer reference, delivery order, goods type, agent.

2. User should add information about the package, status (full / empty), return empty to which port.

3. Goods condition (damaged/not), weight.

4. Driver data, identification number, phone number.

5. Truck Plate Number, entry gate number.

6. User should define where to locate the goods via identifying section, row, and block numbers.

7. User has the flexibility to define Grace period if there is time exceed and its cost, also cost of extra time.

3PL Service

Beside 3PL Storage operation, There are 3PL services like Loading/unloading goods, stevedoring half/full container.

- User can accomplish it via selecting receive note code then customer, container number and goods type name will be loaded.

- User can select service and it's price will be loaded from service price list that we define before.

- User can overwrite price that has been loaded from price list.



The user can through the following settings:

1. Adjust revenue and due accounts for later use in accounting and financial transactions

2. Set the default process for shipping and unloading and storage services

3. Enter the code used for internal and external delay

4. Provide a set of powers for all users, such as allow to change prices

User Privileges:

1. Can change prices in Sales Invoice : If user granted this privilege, he can modify price in the invoice, Otherwise, price cell will be disabled.

2. Can change prices in 3PL Invoices


3. Cannot create a GDN without authorization User

4. Can Use Default Yard Data User

5. Can See Prices In Received Note User

6. Can See Prices In Delivery Note User

7. Can See Prices In Storage Note

8. Allow Update Customer Account in Sales invoice

9. Must enter Block,Bay,Row,Tier,Gate in Goods Received Note and Delivered Note

10. Can See Prices In Sevice Note

11. Can See Prices In Discharge Container

Goods Received Note

This is the first step in yard operation, which is goods entry and storage.

For each entry operation:

1. User can define source of the goods or leave it none, example: CC, Waybill or trans job and most data will be loaded automatically like customer, customer reference, delivery order, goods type, agent

2. User should add information about the package, status (full / empty), return empty to which port.

3. Goods condition (damaged/not), weight.

4. Driver data, identification number, phone number.

5. Truck Plate Number, entry gate number.

6. User should define where to locate the goods via identifying section, row, and block numbers.

7. User has the flexibility to define Grace period if there is time exceed and its cost, also cost of extra time.

Service Provided Note

Yard facilities is not limited to storage, it also has services that can be offered for clients like Loading/unloading goods, stevedoring half/full container.

- User can accomplish it via selecting receive note code then customer, container number and goods type name will be loaded.

- User can select service and it's price will be loaded from service price list that we define before.

- User can overwrite price that has been loaded from price list.

Authorize Delivery

There is an important step before delivery, which is confirm goods deliver, and this facility should be granted for users via settings screen.

Goods Delivered Note

After carrying out the exit confirmation process, you can remove the goods from the yard by selecting the goods receive note and then all the data of the process will be loaded.

You can add the driver and truck data used in the exit process.

Yards Status

You can browse all data with different kinds of filters to get a specific info.

Opening Container

Using this screen, User can record every single information about opening container like transaction date, storage type (internal or third party storage), which yard is going to store goods

- User should choose receive note code to proceed with opening its container.

- Customer, container number, container type data should be loaded automatically from previously stored data in receive note.

- User should enter container details, total quantity, goods types, number of non-damaged goods.

- User should input supervisor in charge when the container opened.

- For more details and contents identifications, user upload images of the whole process or damaged goods.

Discharge Container

After opening a container in the previous step, it is now possible to unpack the contents inside the yard

- The user can record all the information about the container unloading such as the transaction date, the type of storage (internal storage or third party storage), which yard will store the goods

- The user must choose the receive code and it will only appear if he has opened the container

- Customer, container number, container type, quantity and goods type ... All this data will be loaded automatically from the data previously stored in the container opening.

- The user must enter the number of unloaded packages.

- The price of the service can be adjusted,  It's loaded automatically from the price list

- The user must enter the supervisor responsible for unpacking the container

Sales Invoice

sales invoice is used to inform customers of the amount they owe in exchange for goods storage or services that were provided.

It include which services the customer purchased, its cost, number of storage days, its cost, received/delivery  and total value.

User perform sales invoice using selecting customer then click choose note button, then select notes

Once you clicked Ok button, all data will be loaded automatically, then click save

3PL Invoice

User perform invoice using selecting supplier then click choose note button, then select notes

Once you clicked Ok button, all data will be loaded automatically, then click save

Container Contents

Bulk and Break Bulk Cargo

This report is used to show up the details of every entry operation like number of packages, package status, kind of package.

Yard Valuation

This report is used to show up the general status of yards. View data for each yard, customer, and entry operation.