Leasing Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM


User can define brands that will be used later to define each asset.

Equipments Group

This screen is used to create equipment groups for classification.


The equipment screen is used to define all data related to any equipment.

User can define branch & Name & Supplier & Purchase Date.

User can also purchase value& model & serial no.

Equipments Status

This screen is used to define the different cases that define equipment status in delivery & receive process.

Price List

The Price List screen is used to define the price policy for each piece of equipment or all equipment.

the price policy can be a day or hour. 

then the user can define the value for each policy. 

Repeat the current pricelist Option:

1. This button is used to copy and paste the pricelist related to any customer.

2. Customer window will show up, and the user can select the customer.


- Rental Settings

1. Allow hours in case of daily rental: It's used to activate grace hours option that will be used in receive screen, If it's activated, user has to enter grace hours

2. Allow minutes in case of hourly rate:  It's used to activate grace minutes option, If it's activated, user has to enter grace grace minutes

3. Rental Income Account

4. Rental Revenue Account.

5. Break Down Revenue Account.

6. Issuing invoice with equipment received: Once user creates receive equipment record, invoice will be created automatically.

- Return Date Must Be Entered

- Serial Must Be Entered Manually: the option is allowing user to enter serial number in deliver / receive screen.

The following options are used in deliver/ receive screen detail section:

- Hide Driver      -Hide Truck        -Hide Container      -Hide The Meter Reading          -Hide The Fuel Level



The screen is used to reserve an equipment to a customer in a period of time. 

Deliver Equipment

The Deliver Screen is used to define all data that relate to equipment deliver process.

User should define:

1. Delivery Date.

2. User should define the source which means if  a reservation operation or not.

3. User should define customer info.

Detail Section:

- User define the equipment.

- User should define Rent Type (Day / Hour)

- User define renting start & end date.

Receive Equipment

The screen is used to define the equipment return operation from the customer.

User should define the source.

The source means the delivery operation that precedes the receive operation.

Once user selects the delivery operation from source window the information will populated automatically.
User define the receive status, driver and plate number.

Ready for Leasing

Ready for rental screen is used to define which equipment is available, ready for a new rental operation.

Leasing Invoice

The invoice screen is used to create invoice for each delivery operation.

User should select the delivery operation as a source, the all detail section will be populated automatically.

Leasing Transactions

Equipments Status

Customer Invoices

Receive Summary