Procurement Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions are the legal agreements between the organization and the supplier.

It will be used later in supplier invoices.

Purchase Introductions

Expense Types

When purchasing the goods, the establishment may bear expenses until the goods reach the stores, such as transportation costs, customs fees, clearance costs, and insurance for the goods, etc.

User can add different types of expenses to use it later in suppliers invoice.

Discount Types

User can insert different discount types to use later in supplier invoices.

Suppliers Price List

User can make a price list for each supplier and all/part of item group/ brand/ Item type/ cost type.

User can apply purchase policy / currency / value for all products.

Purchase Request

Depending on the setup of your organization, you can create purchase requisitions for products that your organization uses. A purchase requisition is an internal document that authorizes the Purchasing department to buy items or services.

After a purchase requisition is approved, it can be used to generate a purchase order.

Supplier Offer

A purchase price quote is a statement in which a supplier undertakes to supply goods or services required by a buyer, at specific prices, and during a specific time period, this price list may also contain expenses, payments, and guarantees, and after this quote is accepted by the buyer it constitutes a binding agreement for both At both ends, the user can make a supplier quote from a purchase request.


Purchase Order

A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.


Suppliers Invoice

A supplier invoice is the bill issued by a vendor for goods delivered or services rendered to a customer. The recipient of a supplier invoice issues its own invoices to its customers.

Purchase Return

Purchases Return: It is an invoice through which you return the goods that was purchased from a supplier and retrieves the amount paid, so you can, through this screen, choose the source and make the returns for it.

Bulk Purchase Invoice

User can make multiple invoices for multiple customers in one step.

Suppliers List

Suppliers Items List

Purchase Requests

Supplier Offers

Purchase Orders

Purchase Period

Purchased Items

Purchase Invoices

Purchase Returns