Inventory Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM

Storage Facilities

Storage facilities are facilities designed and used for storage of products. Storage facilities vary greatly in size and design based on the product stored and the location.

User can add different storage facilities that will be used by the organization.

Units of Measure

User can add different measure units that will be used later in goods definition like Kilogram, ton, unit,...


User can define brands that will be used later to define each product.

Product Groups

A product group is a high-level grouping of products. Product groups enable you to categorize products based on a business model. When you define an individual product or a product kit, you can optionally associate a product with a product group.

User can create product group by clicking Create button, then enter English name, Arabic name, Tax type.

The last step is clicking Save button.

Product Specifications

A product specification is a set of requirements that provides information about features or functionality of the product.

Product Attributes

Attributes can include such product characteristics as size, color, weight, volume, smell, taste, touch, quantity, or material composition.


A product is an object or system made available for consumer use; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or need of a customer.

User can add a product by clicking Create button then specify the following data:

1. Product Group. (Mandatory)

2. Product Type (Stock - Service - Assembled).    (Mandatory)

3. English/Arabic Name.  (Mandatory)

4. picture for the product. (Optional)

5. determine the cost type.  

6. Maximum, request and minimum quantity.

7. Warranty, customer lead time and packing list

8. Cost Center.

9. Brand, Attribute.

There are different tabs to add more description about the product.

1. Units

User can add data about units of measure for the product, It could be kg, box, pcs, etc.

2. Costing

Product costing is the accounting process of determining all business expenses pertaining the creation of company products.

To define product costing, user should add supplier name, product code, unit, value, purchase default unit, minimum quantity, warranty and purchase policy.

3. Pricing

User can specify main characteristics that will define product pricing like unit, sales policy, currency, value, min quantity, and warranty.

4. Alternative

User can define alternative product in case of shortage/ non-existence of the product for example alternatives for medicine in medical business.

5. Parent Products

This tab is define the main component / product that define or produce the current product.

6. Assembly Details

This tab is used to define the products /items that will compose this product.

7. Default Storage

This tab is used to define the default warehouse that will be used to store the product.


User can add all drivers data in detail of the organization like personal data, contact details, classification, license info.


Using trucks screen, there is a detailed list of trucks data in the organization to track it for later use.

1. classification, an existing asset or not, type

2. plate, license , chassis, motor number.

3. model, manufacturing year, brand name.

5. for more details there are 5 tabs:

    - Main data: like color, purchase date, driver,...

    - Important dates: Periodic Inspection Expire Date

    - Counter Reading: User can add counter value after each ride.

    - Trucks accessories: User can attach accessories to a truck 

    - Attachments: any important documents needed to be uploaded

Change Product Unit


Account Settings

- User can choose adding accounts by branch scoop or for each items group.

Inventory System:

Periodic and perpetual inventory systems are two contrasting accounting methods that businesses use to track the number of products they have available. Overall, the perpetual inventory system offers many benefits over the periodic system and is now used by all major retailers.

At Periodic Inventory System, user should define accounts for sales revenue/ return, and purchase / return account.

At Perpetual Inventory System, User should define accounts for multiple different phases.

General Settings

- User should define accounts (if found) for:

  1. card account.
  2. shipping expense account.
  3. cc expense account.
  4. transportation expense account.

- User can restrict Goods Received Note (GRN) to some or all types of source:

  1. Purchase order or purchase invoice.
  2. Purchase order only.
  3. purchase invoice only.

- User can restrict Goods Delivered Note (GDN) to some or all types of source:

  1. Sales order or sales invoice.
  2. Sales order only.
  3. Sales invoice only.

- User can choose production date format for the product (complete date, MM-YYYY, Year)

- User can define default warehouse, so it can be loaded automatically for using.

- User can define prefix invoice format for Taxable/ non-taxable invoices.

- Fix Products Cost: if there is a problem in products costs, It will recalculate it.

- Auto Add Quantity: It increases the quantity mentioned in GRN to the quantity exist in warehouse automatically.

- Auto Reduce Quantity : It decreases the quantity mentioned in GDN from the quantity existed in the warehouse automatically.

- Hide Aisles/ Racks/ shelves/ Expiry Date/ Serial No/ Color: unchecking all these options will show them as data in product properties popup screen 


Administration can provide authorization to some features that will impact and control financial operations for example :

  • Good Received Note.
  • Goods Delivery Note.
  • Purchase Invoice.
  • Sales Invoice.

The following is a demonstration for each option:

1. Storage facilities that the user can use: Administration can restrict some storage facilities to some users.

2. Allow user to change prices: There is a restriction for all users from changing prices. Admin can give privilege to high managerial staff to modify price in different invoices.

3. Allow discounts: Admin can provide adding invoices discounts privilege to some staff members and can limit the max discount value.

4. Don't Allow User to Sell at a Price Less Than Cost: According to each organization's policy, It can enable this option to control invoices pricing.

5. Allow Reminders

6. Allow User to Overdraft Items: It enables user to sell product with no stock. 

7. Allow User Sell Expired Items

8. Allow User to Confirm Transactions

9. Allow User to See Sales Prices: It will show / hide Pricing tab in products screen.

10. Allow User to See Purchase Costs: It will show / hide Costing tab in products screen. 

11. Don't Allow User to Deliver Items Below Min Qty

12. Don't Allow User to Receive Items Above Max Qty

13. Show Book Qty In Stocktaking

14. Show Products Cost In Stocktaking

15. Put Book Qty In Real Qty

16. Must Select Trader in Retail Invoice: Enabling this capability will prioritize traders using the POS strategy. 

17. Is Cashier: It leads the user to the retail screen directly.



Scale Barcode

Identifier digits: The user can specify the numbers that the barcode begins with

Total Number of digits of barcode: This is the number that the barcode contains when printing.

How to Identity The Product code: User should specify which index will identify product code start.

how to identify the weight and price of the product: User should specify which index will identify product weight and price start.

Does the barcode contain Weight/Price of Product? if yes, It will be done by specifying the fraction for weight/price.

Opening Balance

Inventory opening balances refers to the financial quantities of your inventory at the beginning of a new financial period. You can set up inventory opening balances at either of the following points in time: As initial settings, before you have any inventory transactions.

- User can accomplish this operation by selecting the storage facility.
- User starts to add products to the inventory.

There are multiple ways for adding products:

1. click Add Record button to add product one by one.

2. User can click Load Items button, it enables user to choose some / all product groups and can define quantity too.

3. Load from Excel Sheet.

Goods Received Note

Goods Received Note is issued from the store to receive the goods and transfer them to the stores where the warehouse officer creates a receipt order for the agreed order and makes an inventory of the order so that the actual balance of the goods in the warehouse is equal to the amount of the items in the goods receipt.

At first, user should click Create button Then specify the source of the GRN.

Goods Received Note Sources:

1. No Source ( Creating basic GRN, Specify Received from, supplier fields )

2. Purchase Order. ( Procurement Module)

3. Supplier Invoice. ( Procurement Module)

4. Sales Return. ( Sales Module)

5. Delivery Order.

- Based on source, user clicks + button so popup window will be opened up. 

- Based on selected record, the grid below will be populated, then user should click Save button.

Goods Delivered Note

At first, user should click Create button Then specify the source of the Goods Delivered Note.

Goods Received Note Sources:

1. No Source ( Creating basic GDN, Specify Delivered To , Customer fields )

2. Sales Order. ( Sales Module)

3. Sales Invoice. ( Sales Module)

4. Purchase Return. ( Procurement Module) 

- Based on source, user clicks + button so popup window will be opened up. 

- Based on selected record, the grid below will be populated, then user should click Save button.

Products Disposed Note

To add Products Disposed Note procedure, user should choose the warehouse, then add the item that will be disposed and the quantity, then click Save button.

Inventory Physical Count

A physical inventory count is the practice of counting your retail products. The process typically involves a retail staff member (or team of workers) going through the retailer' sales floor and stock room and counting each item.

Steps to insert physical count:

1. Select the storage facility.

2. Click Add Record button, choose the product and enter the actual quantity.

Bulk Goods Received

Bulk Goods Received screen is working the same as Goods Received Note. but the bulk GRN  screen can generate received notes for multiple supplier and multiple warehouses to save time and effort.

Bulk Goods Delivered

Bulk Goods Delivered screen is working the same as Goods Delivered Note. but the bulk GDN  screen can generate delivered notes for multiple customer and multiple warehouses to save time and effort.

Products Assembled Note

This screen is used to combine/ use of more than one product to produce a new one.

Products Disassembled Note

This screen is used to take apart / divide a product  to another products.

Products Reserved Note

Inventory Balances

Item Card

Item Data

Items Received

Items Delivered

Items Location

Customer Order Status

Items Turnover

Project Quantities

Items Reservation

Print Barcodes

Transferred Quantities