Services Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM


A specification often refers to a set of documented requirements to be satisfied by an agreement.

for example: 

  • Specifications for housing project are description of units that will be added later for example area, finishing type,...

Service Types

User can categorize contract into group for classification, for example:

1. Store sales / rental contracts

2. Equipment maintenance / sales contract. 


User can specify each service, identify cost & price, service type.


  • Admin can force user to enter the following data or not in Agreements Screen:

1. Service Type.

2. Project Name.

3. Project Units.

  • It's related to the nature of the business, If we talk about housing project, There is a need to have unit name/number.

  • If user ignore required data according to the settings, User will have an error message to ensure that data has entered correctly.


According to each business type, User can add project & project units to organize the process and for future statistics.

User can add project by specify name & duration (from-to).

Then, he can start by adding units that will have separate agreements and therefore financial operations.



The whole operation of contract process can be identified in agreement screen:

1. User can select service name, all specifications related to service type will be loaded automatically, also total service value.

2. User can select project / units or leave it blank according to system settings.

3. User should specify customer name, the other side of the contract.

4. User should enter important dates like Contract Start & End Date, payment start date.

5. User should enter financial data that will define the payments like advance value, payment cycle, payments number.

6. Once user finish entering data, payments tab will fill automatically according to given values or user can enter it manually.

7. User can choose automatic/ automatic with sending invoice for Payment method, which can creates invoices for payments automatically and send it to customer by email.

Sales Invoice

User can add create invoice for contract for all/ some payments using the following

1. At first, User can search agreements to get the required one.

Another way for searching is clicking + button, a window will be opened for searching by customer name, agreement, service, unit, then, select the required record, invoice header will be populated automatically.

2. User should click choose payments button for selecting payments that will be added to the invoice.

3. selected records will be loaded in the detail grid and invoice total will be calculated, then user should click save button to insert the invoice to the system.


User can review all data related to contracts financial data for example: invoice total value, paid value from customer, remain value.


User can review all data related to units in case of housing project, which units are reserved or contracted.