Fixed Assets Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM

Assets Groups

Fixed assets are those assets that the establishment purchases with the aim of using it and helping it to carry out its activity for several years, and the aim of buying it is not to resell it, such as buying lands, buildings, production machines, cars, furniture, and others.

Assets Groups is a systematic allocation of the cost of a depreciable asset to expense over its useful life".

Assets Location

User can specify the locations that will be used later to store different assets.

Assets Brands

User can define brands that will be used later to define each asset.

Asset Attributes

Asset attribute is a specification that defines a property of the asset.

Expense Types

User can add any cost incurred in or required for company assets by specifying expense type name and financial account.


The user can go through the following settings:

1. Adjust cashier & card accounts for later use in accounting and financial transactions

2. Also define gain/loss on sales/disposal of assets. 

User Privileges:

Admin can provide a set of powers for users, such as ability to:

1. Approve purchase order.

2. Approve supplier invoice.

3. Force user to select cost center.

Assets Register

A fixed asset register is a detailed list of all fixed assets which are owned by a business. Its main purpose is to enable an organization to accurately record and maintain both financial and non-financial information pertaining to each asset and to easily identify and verify an asset when required.

User can register an asset by specifying :

1. company branch that an asset belong to.

2. name, image, source, and bar code.

3. purchasing info: supplier name, date, value.

4. depreciation info: added value, salvage value, depreciation date & value.

Main data:

The user can record the model number, serial, weight, and date of manufacture.

2. Specialized fields: The general characteristics of the assets can be added to determine their value.

3. Registration information.

Asset Purchase Orders

A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.

Asset Receipt

Asset receipt is the final step to confirm asset purchasing.

User can add new receipt by specifying the source. 

Types of sources:

1. Receipt order, user will click add record in details section to add details.

2. Purchase Invoice, User should select source by clicking + button, selecting the target record from the popup window.

3. Purchase order.

Then, the selected record will appear in details section.

Asset Transfer

An asset transfer occurs when company gives ownership of an asset to another branch inside company.

Asset Storage

User can specify the storage location for each asset by adding storage branch & location and person in charge.

Asset Supplier Invoice

Supplier invoices are the sales invoices and bills issued by supplying vendor and received by the buying customer.

User can add supplier invoice by slicking create icon then select the source of the invoice.

Automatically, it will load assets in detail section.

Asset Depreciation

It is recognized that the fixed asset purchased other than land will decrease in value over time, either as a result of its use or the emergence of another similar, more sophisticated original, that this deficiency of the original must be proven in the books as expenses called expenses of depreciation of the asset.

Asset Sales

Sales invoice is used to inform customers of the amount they owe in exchange for products that were provided.

It include which assets the customer purchased, depreciation info and net value.

User perform sales invoice using specifying payment method, box account then selecting assets.

Asset Disposal

Asset disposal is the removal of a long-term asset from the company's accounting records. ... The asset disposal may be a result of several events: An asset is fully depreciated and must be disposed of. As asset is sold at a gain/loss because it is no longer useful or needed.

Asset Physical Count

Inventory of fixed assets: Ensure the existence of this asset, verify the project ownership of this asset, know its net value at the end of the accounting period, and make the necessary adjustments to this asset.

Assets General Data

Assets Financial Data

Assets Source Data

Groups Financial Data

Assets Life Data

Assets Keeping Data

Assets Transactions

Assets Depreciation

Assets Sales