System Data Manual

Last updated: 1/22/2023 1:10:30 PM


User can add new company to Chameleon System to go through the various operations that chameleon offers. 

Companies Screen needs the basic information about a company like Commercial Registration Number, Work activity, Contact Info.

There is also 4 section for adding more details:

1.Branches: User can add various branches, its locations, contact details to proceed with financial operations that relate to each branch.



2. All banks Accounts details can be registered through banks tab. Example: Account, IBAN Number, Bank Code, Swift Code.



3. Identifications: User can add all identification data though this tab



4. Geographical Location: User can add exact location of the company via the map or inserting latitude & longitude of the company.





User can add multiple countries.



User can add all ports data related to logistics companies



User can add different currencies that relate to his business & operations




User can add different activities that build business identity like furniture, food processing,...


Customer Groups

User can add classifications or categories for company customers

Supplier Groups

Using supplier groups, User can add classifications or categories for company supplier.



User can add general/detailed information about each customer.

To create a new customer, user should enter the following data:

1. English Name.

2. Arabic Name: It will have the English name automatically, user can update it.

3. Group: It will load data from customer groups screen. User should select related-business group.

4. Activity: It will load data from activities screen, User should select related-business activity.

5. Parent Customer: User can use it if the customer is a part of another business.

6. Account: the software will create it automatically or user can select an account that was entered before in chart of accounts screen.

7. Notes: User can enter any related description about the customer.

8. Deactivate: In case of organization stops dealing with the customer, user can enable this option, so the software will pause all operations related this customer.

Detailed Data will be divided into six tabs:

1. Contact Info: It includes the following data:

    - country, city, zip code, PO box.

    - Telephone, Fax, email,website.

    - Head Office Address, Invoicing Address, Shipping Address.

    - Relationship Manager: It can be Sales Representative / responsible.

2. Additional Data: It includes the following data  

    - Commercial Registration No, Registration Date, Commercial Registration Expiry Date 

    - Credit Limit (Days): User can specify the maximum number of days for the customer to pay invoices, If it exceeds this number of days, the software will stop providing services or issuing invoices for this customer.

    - Credit Limit (Value): User can specify the maximum amount of money for the customer to pay invoices, If it exceeds this value, the software will stop  providing services or issuing invoices for this customer. 

    - Bank: User can select bank name which the customer have an account.

    - Currency: the currency of the bank account.

    - Account No, IBAN.

    - Opening Balance: in case of this customer owes you an amount of money before using the software.  

    - Opening Balance Currency.

    - Tax Number.

3. Contact Persons: User can list contacts for this customer. 

4. Custom Data: The authorization number for the customs clearers can be recorded and the expiration date of the authorization can be determined as well as the type of customs transaction

5. Geo Location: User can move the cursor to define company location.

6. Attachments: User can upload any important documents regarding this customer.


User can add list of company supplier and their details

Promotion Codes

Promotion Codes screen is used to create different codes that will be used for discount in different invoices.

1. User can generate code using button besides the textbox or let it generate automatically.

2. Add code name in Arabic & English names.

3. Enter customer name that wanna code will be specific to o select all customers.

4. Enter the value & type of the discount.

5. Enter validation period of the code from- to.

6. User can enter notes.

7. Click Save button.

General Settings

General Settings is used to setup:

1. Calendar Settings:

  • used to configure Hijri date difference which means a difference in days between system Hijri date and actual date, user can enter difference between then in days.

2. User Privileges:

  • used to manage privileges all over the system like promotion codes approval that will be used in different invoices.